August 13, 2021: Port Denerau, Fiji

August 13, 2021: Port Denerau, Fiji

We officially arrived in Fiji at Savu Savu. After touring the islands, we sailed overnight from Savu Savu to Port Denerau. We tied up in a slip at the floating dock. Friends we had made in other anchorages joined us there. Over the next few days, we prepared Islander to spend the hurricane season in a cyclone pit at Vuda Marina. We removed the wind generator and the solar panels and stored them below. We folded the sails. On August 13, we motored from Port Denerau five miles across the bay to Vuda Marina. Our friend Jonathan on S/V Sinaran took this photo. Posted by Barbara

Islander in the Cyclone Pit, Vuda Marina

Islander in the Cyclone Pit, Vuda Marina

Heavy weather

Heavy weather