June 2020 log

June 2020 log

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Due to the COVID pandemic, Kelly and I have postponed our circumnavigation until 2021. It became impossible for us to begin our voyage when the Panamanian government closed down the airport to passenger flights. I was already in Panama, but Kelly could not get into Panama, so we could not begin.

 Islander was hauled out and put on the hard at Panamarina at the end of May, 2020. Panamarina is located at Las Caciques, in the province of Colon, Panama.

 I left Panama on June 3, on a special humanitarian repatriation flight. The airport remains closed to commercial flights.

Kelly and I hope that by January 2021, Panama will have reopened its airport and we can reconvene at Panamarina, have Islander put back in the water, and prepare to pass through the Panama Canal mid-March. It will be a more favorable time to cross the Pacific than our original proposed start of mid-May 2020. By March 2021, we hope ports around the world will be open to pleasure craft.

In the meantime, some additional improvements are being made to Islander. When we do start our circumnavigation next year, we will be in good form.



Islander Circles the World 2021

Islander Circles the World 2021